Kamis, 27 September 2018

Dairy milk (departemen food)

Spesifikasi :

Cadbury Dairy Milk
A Dairy Milk Caramel bar in its foil wrapper
Product type Confectionery
Owner Cadbury
Country United Kingdom
Introduced 1905
Related brands List of Cadbury products
Markets Worldwide
Cadbury Dairy Milk is a brand of milk chocolate manufactured by Cadbury. It was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1905 and now consists of a number of products. Every product in the Dairy Milk line is made with exclusively milk chocolate. In 2014, Dairy Milk was ranked the best-selling chocolate bar in the UK.[1] It is manufactured and distributed by the Hershey Company in the U.S. under licence from Cadbury.[2]

Komposisi :
  Gula , Penjejal susu , Mentega, lemak coklat , coklat massa , Lemak nabati Pengemulsi, ( lesitin, kedelai, PGPR ) dan Perisa (Coklat )

Harga :
 Rp. 10,000

 Promosi :
 Karena buru – buru pengerjaan 2 hari saja! lupa di foto event desk yang sudah jadi, sudah keburu dikirim.
DIsebelah adalah kardus event desk dan sisa stiker untuk header event desk Cadbury Dairy Milk
Bahan stiker vinyl ritrama + laminating glossy, hasil cetakan bening dan awet karena juga dilapisi laminating.
Mau order, silakan klik disini untuk info lengkapnya!


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